Commonly asked questions at bridal appointments

We thought we would cover some of the most frequently asked questions along the bridal dress shopping journey…
So BEFORE your appointment
How long should I start dress shopping before my big day?
We say to give yourself 12-18 months – this includes your dress designers lead time, delivery, fittings, and wiggle room to ensure you feel relaxed in the knowledge it will come together in the way you had hoped with zero rush or panic attached
 How many people can/should I bring to my dress shopping appointments?
We advise 3, as this enables you to really delve and explore your own vision, too many people sometimes are overwhelming for the bride, and she listens to everyone else’s wants rather than her own
 How many dress shops should I visit?
Let us give you the reasons for not visiting too many – purely and simply you will become dress blind and overwhelmed the more shops you visit. We advise doing your research before you start shopping, finding designers and stockists of those designers, finding a boutique you know will help, go above and beyond and be there for you. And then visit… and if that is ONE amazing! Feel empowered knowing you have found your dream dress and if it is three – let your heart lead the way and keep that vision at the forefront always!


Now During your appointment…

What sort of underwear should I wear?
We always advise nude/seamless – bra isn’t really an importance here as you can take your bra off and all/most dresses have support and cups built in! Which is very handy because let’s be honest how inconvenient and uncomfortable are bras!
 I want to lose/gain weight so I am worried about committing now and then changing?
This is common for women getting married, and the rule of thumb is you can take a dress in two dress sizes, and let it out one dress size, where we say a dress size is roughly a stone!
 How will I know when I find the one?
As a bridal stylist and expert, we aren’t there to sell you a dress, we are there to guide you and encourage you to feel your best, to follow your heart and to lean into your wedding vision. Every bride has a different feeling when she finds the one, she may cry, she may go quiet, she may be excited, she may feel scared ALL relevant, but all so personal to that person!
After your appointment…
Have I made the right choice?
It is something we get asked more often than not, and 9/10 if you have gone with the dress YOU wanted, and you chose her for the right reasons then YES absolutely she will be right for you, wobbles are normal – it is such an important decision, but one that has to be made, which is why we say (again backed by our own bride and bridal coach Alex (brideinmind)) you need to do all the things In the lead up, like your research and bringing the right people because it is a big decision and we know that, and therefore however we can help, and we know now as we have over 600 brides we help each year! We know just how to avoid the stress, so lean on us and let us guide you!
Ensuring you do this journey right is our AIM! It is why we do what we do, it forms a pivotal part of your life and we know just how important it is to you all, and therefore just know how important it is to us too!
Lots of Love
Team Dotty!